Thursday 9 February 2012

What is this blog about?

This Blog is dedicated to my Senior Project and hopefully will continue to do so after the project. The theme of the Senior Project is based on making a difference in the world, changing the world to one person or many. So, i decided to come up with 3 proposed solutions. My first solution was to put a stop for littering in dubai, to produce a campaign and form an organization to stop litter in dubai which includes volunteering and spreading awareness. My second option, was to help abused  or unfairly treated maids within the gulf region. My fourth problem includes, helping to fix the problems. My third and chosen option was to help unknown poor families in dubai, spread awareness and perhaps raise money to help improve their quality of life. This blog will help me keep track of what i am doing, will do, why, what, when where, and hopefully raise awareness of the problem i am trying to solve and improve.

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