Monday 20 February 2012

Lucky enough to have opinions from 4 expert judges!

On Tuesday the 14th, i pitched my idea to 4 experienced professionals just to have an opinion for any improvements. They was a creative art director, creative director, an independent designer and branding specialist, and of course talented my professor, they were very helpful after i explained my whole senior project, which includes the research, statistics, why i chose it and so on, they gave me their insight. I explained that i wanted to help the poor families, by both fundraising and collecting items they need along with creating awareness. They suggested i focus on one, which i believe preferably would be creating awareness as it will be more helpful in the future. One of the judges suggested i focus on one item that a number of households would need such as fixing their walls or roof etc...i believe it is a great idea which lead me to a greater idea, why not focus on one home only? then another judge said why not create a video...and Voila! there was the perfect idea..create a documentary or a series of photographs and raise awareness!! and one home can be fixed which can lead to a series of homes, "Like a chain" one of the judges said meaning; help a home and let them get on their feet...then let them help others.

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